Student Art
From the January 2022 session of Having Fun With Art. Inspired by Marta Minujín, Faith Ringgold, Louise Nevelson, and Helen Frankenthaler.
As you may know, over the past four weeks, students in my Having Fun With Art Class have explored the art and techniques of four women artists. It’s been truly inspiring to dig into the lives and art of these four incredible artists this past month. Likewise, it has been thrilling to make art with such an amazing group of students! The body of work they have collectively created is magnificent.
I am grateful to each of them for sharing their time, processes, and results with me. Some students also contributed their weekly work to be shared here with all of you. I hope you enjoy it.
Week One - Marta Minujín
Week Two - Faith Ringgold
Week Three - Louise Nevelson

Week Four - Helen Frankenthaler

A huge thank you to students for sharing themselves and their work!
Interested in joining the next session? Classes meet via Zoom on Thursday nights from 7 to 8:30 pm. The next session begins on February 17th. Learn more and sign up by clicking the button below.