Exhibition Preparations Underway

This artist’s life isn’t always about wax, hot boxes, and bold colors!! Many days in the studio are, but the days and weeks leading up to exhibitions are about getting all of those art works ready to be seen and sold.

As you know, the Montgomery County Studio Tour is coming up on June 9th and 10th and, so, Heidi and I have been busily mounting, framing, naming, and labeling my body of encaustic monotypes for the exhibition. 

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 The adhesive mediums and blow torches are in overdrive!

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While it is certainly a change of pace in the studio, it feels great to see everything come together. It is positively thrilling to experience the impact mounting, for example, has on my monotypes!

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The Montgomery County Studio Tour features 52 artists and 21 studios. I will be exhibiting at Lorraine Glessner’s Studio with Lorraine and two other wonderful artists. To learn more about us, click on our names: Dora Ficher
Lorraine GlessnerKaren Freedman, and Julie Miller.

I have so much new art to share with you. Everything from monotypes raging in size from 24" x 36" to 5" x 5" to a selection of my original "doodles." I hope you will stop by and/or plan to take the entire tour! 

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Investing in Myself


The Making of My Digital Collages